
Home Estrogen


Treatments for Women

This hormone is used in post-menopausal women. After menopause ovaries substantially decrease the production of estrogen causing vaginal dryness, hot flashes, irritability and weight gain and mood disorders. Many women fear the use of estrogen replacement and this is unfortunately due to the media informing women that synthetic estrogen is unsafe. The detrimental effects of synthetic hormones should not be extrapolated to include natural hormones, which have been proven to be so beneficial.


By replacing lost estrogen with bioidentical estradiol, we can protect against

  • Heart Disease

    Description coming soon

  • Stroke

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  • Osteoporosis

    Description coming soon

  • Memory Disorders

    Description coming soon

  • Vaginal Atrophy

    Description coming soon

  • Urinary Incontinence

    Description coming soon

  • Hot Flashes

    Description coming soon

  • UTIs

    Description coming soon

  • Macular Degeneration

    Description coming soon

  • Cancer

    Description coming soon

  • Cataracts

    Description coming soon

Ready to get started? Contact us!

Book an appointment with Angela, Nurse Practitioner